How Different Would Your Life Be If You Could Transform The Way You Look And Feel Whenever You Wanted?

It almost sounds too good to be true, right?

Bare with me for a second so I can explain why you’re in the perfect place.

First, let’s be clear about something…

I assure you, there WILL come a time when you feel like you’ve run into a brick wall…and it’s probably happening to you right now.

You can’t make any progress even though you’re following the “rules.”

Your strength isn’t climbing week by week like it used to even though you’re working your ass off.

Fat loss has slowed to a crawl and no matter what you try you can’t lose another pound of fat.

Every morning you roll out of bed and make your way to the bathroom for your morning piss and mirror check to see if your abs look any different…

But you haven’t seen changes in a long time.

There are thousands of guys just like you who feel stuck, frustrated as hell, and are ready to quit…

There Are Thousands of Men Just Like You Who Feel Stuck, Frustrated, and Ready To QUIT…I know this because I’ve worked with them.

They come to me in the exact same position as you are and meet more of them EVERY SINGLE DAY.

But looking and living like a badass isn’t as confusing as people make it out to be…

Hey, my name is Joey Percia.


…that was me when I was 19 years old sitting in Jess’ dorm room 3 months before she dumped me…

It turned out that was the kick in the ass I need to help turn me into the guy on the right.

But right now I have a question to ask you because if any of these I am about to mention sound familiar, you HAVE TO keep reading…

Do Any Of These Sound Familiar?

“I’ve tried every diet but nothing gave me results.”

“ I tried everything…counting calories,
keeping my carbs under 100 grams a day,
intermittent fasting, carb cycling,
6 meals a day, 3 meals a day.”

“No matter what I try I can’t get below _____”
*insert the weight that’s been eluding YOU forever.*

“It seems every time I am able to lose weight
I am only able to hold it off for a short time
then I gain it all back”

“I want to lose my love handles,
trim up so I can see my abs and gain some mass,
especially in my upper body, chest, shoulders.”

“I would really like to drop my body fat percentage
to single digits and be healthier
because I really don’t want to die young.”

If You Said “YES”…Forget EVERYTHING You Know About Working Out And Dieting Right NOW.

I NEED YOU to forget all of it because it’s holding you back…I promise you.

I can tell you stories about how I fell for stupid things like this.

The bad memories of wasting boatloads of my hard earned cash on scammy supplements.

Terrible personal trainers and programs that didn’t give a crap about me.

So, if you find yourself thinking…

  • “I’m really looking to get rid of this gut but I just can’t seem to get the meal plan down.”
  • “It seems every time I am able to lose weight I am only able to hold it off for a short time.”
  • “I don’t know how much I should eat, what I should eat,  what snacks are good for me”
  • “How many meals a day do I need to be eating?”

You’re in the right place.

What I’m going to share with you today, has taken me 10+ years of testing with myself, my clients, over $65,000+ worth of research and education, and trips all over the United States to learn from the best

We Are Weaker Than Ever Right Now…And It Sucks!

I don’t just mean men who are physically weaker than their fathers either. In fact, The Washington Post, published an article Today’s men are not nearly as strong as their dads were, researchers say’

There’s so much hate, anger, and resentment in the media and it’s even worse on social media because there is no regulation.

…but here’s the thing, and I don’t mean to the bearer of bad news but — you’re shit out of luck.

So Jump On Board And Help Make America Strong Again.

See that’s what I do here at and I want to help you do the same.

When you look fit, and strong you feel good and when you feel good, awesome things begin to happen to you — more money, more sex, more fun = more awesome. 

…but more awesome doesn’t stop there….

It continues on to you being a better person.

Here Are My Top 5 Readers Choice Articles

  1. What Do Your Tattoos Really Say About You
  2. The 4 Pillars Every Man MUST Know To Live, Look, & Feel Like A Badass
  3. 61 Powerful Rules To Improve Your Life Immediately
  4. How You CAN Lose Weight Eating Foods Like Ice Cream, Tacos, And Burgers….Just Like My Client Dom
  5. This Is What Badasses Look Like And It’s Not Their Jacked Shoulders, 6-Pack Abs, Or Huge Boost In Strength…It’s Because They All Became BETTER MEN.

As you can see I write about stuff that I honestly think people need to hear and that will help them.

You might now agree with it, and that’s cool, I respect your decision but you should leave now.

With that being said, make sure you grab a copy of my book for free

The Badass Body Handbook ‘How To Get Lean, Strong, Bust Through Plateaus & Look Like A Badass

Thank you so much for being here.

Talk soon,

– Joey ‘Make America Strong Again’ Percia

PS. If you only read one of the articles…read this one => This Is What Badasses Look Like And It’s Not Their Jacked Shoulders, 6-Pack Abs, Or Huge Boost In Strength…It’s Because They All Became BETTER MEN.


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